Peranan Komunikasi Persuasif Dalam Implementasi Ajaran Tri Hita Karana Pada Sekaa Truna Truni


  • Ida Bagus Putu Eka Suadnyana STAHN Mpu Kuturan Singaraja
  • Krisna Suksma Yogiswari STAHN Mpu Kuturan Singaraja


Persuasive Communication, Tri Hita Karana, Sekaa Truna Truni


Sekaa Truna Truni  is a youth organization which serve as a platform for youth and women in developing creativity and activity in order to form the next generation who will be able to support the construction and development of the Banjar and Pakraman toward a better future. As the voice of young container, Sekaa Truni Truni are certainly a whole is expected to implement the teachings of religious doctrine in this case Tri Hita Karana. In the teachings of Tri Hita Karana implementas required good communication between members Sekaa Truna Truni. Which is expected to create a harmonious relationship between man and his fellow (pawongan), man and nature or environment (palemaham), and man to God (parahyangan)


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How to Cite

Eka Suadnyana, I. B. P., & Yogiswari, K. S. . (2020). Peranan Komunikasi Persuasif Dalam Implementasi Ajaran Tri Hita Karana Pada Sekaa Truna Truni. Ganaya : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Dan Humaniora, 2(2-3), 104–112. Retrieved from




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