Artifactual Communication Activities of the transfer of the 10th Century Mahendradatta Women’s Historical Women’s History


  • Nina Septiana Ratnawulan Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR, Jakarta
  • Gyan Prahasti Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR, Jakarta
  • Merli Pelagia Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR, Jakarta



Artifactual Communication, Transfer of Vehicles, Mahendratta


One of the most important needs besides food and shelter is clothing, a primary human need. The purpose of this study is to determine the audience's acceptance of the transfer of the history of women in the 10th century AD in the figure of Mahendradatta in the hertorianke style in artifactual communication activities and its communication applications in transferring the history of women in the 10th century AD with the figure of Mahendradatta to fashion brands carried out. This research belongs to the type of qualitative research. In this study, the technique used to select informants. The result of the research is the meaning of the Herstori fashion brand in artifactual communication activities as a vehicle for women's history in the 10th century AD. With the presence of Herstori, Mahendradatta is adequate. The change of vehicle that occurred in the fashion-themed "Mahendradatta Chapter 1" by Herstori experienced many significant changes. These changes can be seen in the character substructure, which has shrunk, and the plot, which has undergone various changes. Apart from that, the creative process of transferring vehicles from the historical tradition of 10th-century women with the figure of Mahendradatta to fashion turned out to be a crucial and great idea as a form of cultural preservation and environmental awareness. In transferring the visualization of the vehicle, the character's image can be further displayed in the fashion presented by Herstori. In addition, other themes of the fashion series can be lifted from folklore from various regions in Indonesia.



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How to Cite

Ratnawulan, N. S., Prahasti, G. ., & Pelagia, M. . (2023). Artifactual Communication Activities of the transfer of the 10th Century Mahendradatta Women’s Historical Women’s History. Ganaya : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Dan Humaniora, 6(4), 831–839.


