Visualisasi Proses Vulkanisme melalui Media Pembelajaran Animasi berbasis Augmented Reality sebagai Media Digital Geografi
Augmented Reality, Volcanism, Geographic Media DigitalAbstract
Technological developments have experienced rapid progress which has an impact on the field of education. Technology is also a means of digital media in delivering material to students. This research developed an Augmented Reality (AR) in the form of the VULK-AR application as digital geographic media. The VULK-AR application is a new innovation in the process of volcanism and 3 types of volcanoes by combining various components in it. This research aims to explore the potential of Augmented Reality-based animation learning media and visualize the process of volcanism. This development uses the Research and Development (R&D) method with the SAM 1 model. Through the integration of AR with geography content, students can understand natural phenomena directly, and enable active learning experiences. The validation test results show that media experts provide a feasibility percentage of 92.84%, and material experts 89.55%. Product trials were carried out on teachers, the percentage obtained was 84.61% and students were 89.75%. The advantages of the VULK-AR application in geographic digital media can foster innovation in the field of technology in geography learning. It is hoped that this research can make a positive contribution in the development of digital geographic media on volcanism material.
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