Peningkatan Learning Engagement Kemampuan Praktek Pemasangan PLTS pada Peserta Pelatihan Teknis Pembangunan dan Pemasangan PLTS dengan pendekatan Video Based Practice


  • Ahmad Khulaemi Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, Ketenagalistrikan, Energi Baru, Terbarukan Dan Koservasi Energi, Jakarta



Video Based Practice, Learning Engagement, Solar Power Plant Installation


This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Video Based Practice approach in increasing Learning Engagement and the ability to install Solar Power Plant (PLTS) practices in technical training participants. The background of this research is the need for learning methods that are more interactive and focused on field practices in the context of PLTS construction and installation. The methodology of this study involves the application of a Video Based Practice approach where trainees are introduced to the material through a series of demonstrative videos illustrating the practical steps of installing PLTS. In addition, the study used question-based evaluation instruments before and after the intervention to measure the improvement of participants' understanding and practice skills. The results showed a significant increase in participants' Learning Engagement during the training. Participants showed consistent improvement in understanding concepts, practice steps, as well as the application of skills in solar PV installation after the intervention of the Video Based Practice approach. In addition, positive responses from participants to this learning method were also recorded through the feedback provided. The conclusion of this study shows that the Video Based Practice approach is effective in increasing Learning Engagement and the ability to install solar power plants in technical training participants. The integration of these methods in the context of technical learning can be a strong foundation to enrich participants' learning experiences and facilitate a better understanding of the field practice process. This research makes an important contribution in broadening horizons on the use of technology in the context of technical training as well as illustrating the positive potential of the Video Based Practice approach in improving the effectiveness of field practice learning.


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How to Cite

Khulaemi, A. (2023). Peningkatan Learning Engagement Kemampuan Praktek Pemasangan PLTS pada Peserta Pelatihan Teknis Pembangunan dan Pemasangan PLTS dengan pendekatan Video Based Practice. Metta : Jurnal Ilmu Multidisiplin, 3(4), 382–392.


