: Jurnal Ilmu Multidisiplin2025-03-03T00:00:00+00:00Jayapangus Pressmetta.jurnalilmumultidisiplin@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Metta : Jurnal Ilmu Multidisiplin </strong>is a multidisciplinary journal published by Jayapangus Press. <strong>Metta : Jurnal Ilmu Multidisiplin </strong>is published quarterly (March, June, September, December) is a peer reviewed, open access, scientific and scholarly journal which publishes research papers, review papers, case reports, case studies, books review, thesis, dissertation works, etc.</p> Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Mode Pembelajaran Games Based Learning Berbantuan Quizizz Mode Kertas2024-08-15T14:00:17+00:00I Dewa Putu Suyadnyadewadewangg12345@gmail.comI Putu<p><em>Making the nation's life intelligent and developing Indonesian people as a whole is the goal of national education. In an effort to achieve this goal, innovation is needed in the learning process which can increase student motivation, interest and learning outcomes. SMP Negeri 3 Bangli is always committed to developing learning for the sake of creation student wellbeing. One of the innovations offered is a learning model Games Based Learning (GBL) assisted Quizizz paper mode. This learning model is very suitable to be applied in schools that have students whose backgrounds do not all have devices or internet quota. This research is quantitative research which aims to look at implementation, improvement in learning outcomes, and students' responses to assisted GBL Quizizz paper mode. The data collection method used in this research was tests, questionnaires and interviews. The subjects in this research were class VII A students of SMP Negeri 3 Bangli. The results in this study indicate that the implementation of GBL is assisted Quizizz Paper mode is implemented in a game. Students are grouped into several teams. This team will compete to accurately and quickly answer quiz questions that have been designed by the teacher with a paper board containing barcode. Learning GBL help Quizizz paper mode, based on test results, can improve the learning outcomes of class VII students at SMP Negeri Bangli. With a classical increase in post-test results of 69%. Apart from that, this model also makes students very happy, motivated and active in learning. Based on the results of the interview, students felt happy and GBL learning was supported Quizizz paper mode is highly anticipated by students.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 I Dewa Putu Suyadnya, I Putu Suarnaya Etika Agama Hindu Bagi Siswa Adi Widya Pasraman Sutasoma2024-08-15T13:58:06+00:00Ika Ismawatiikaismawati2789@gmail.comI Wayan<p><em>Moral degradation has become a widespread discourse among society, especially the Hindu community in Nabire district, Papua. The development of information technology has coused the formation of nomophobia syndrome in Hindu children in Papua. This occurs because children are starting to get to know smartphones after a long time behind technology. Children are starting to become addicted and can not be separated from smartphones, this is indicated by the habit of children always carrying smartphones both in class and outside of class. This condition is certainly very worrying for the development of the Hindu generation in Nabire district, Papua. Therefore, the teaching staff at Adi Widya Prasaman Sutosoma began to innovate to overcome this phenomenon, namely by providing education on Hindu religious ethics to students. </em><em>The problem discussed is the learning strategy for Hindu religious ethics education in Adi Widya Pasraman Sutosoma, Nabire dictrict. This research aims to determine the Hindu religious ethnics learning activities at Adi Widya Pasraman Sutosoma. Data was obtained from observations, interviews and document studies using purposive sampling as a technique for determining informants. The collected data was analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques. This research uses the Behavioristic Theory and Sociological Theory methods. Based on the results of the anlysis carried out, it shows that the learning strategy for Hindu religious ethics education applies a group strategy, considering that this learning focuses more on guidance on ethics and morality, then the approach used is a religious approach because the scope of the material refers to Hindu religious teachings. The method used to deliver material, teaching staff uses lecture and discussion methods.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ika Ismawati, I Wayan Jatiyasa PSE (Pembelajaran Sosial Emosional) Dalam Mata Pelajaran Matematika Sebagai Upaya Menumbuhkan Fokus Belajar Siswa2024-08-15T13:46:48+00:00Ni Nengah Sri Arminiarmini31@gmail.comL.Virginayoga<p><em>Education is a broad area for students to develop talents, especially in enriching their competencies based on their interests. Based on this situation, the role of teachers is needed to be able to create an effective teaching and learning process to help students have optimal skills. The existence of the globalization era also provides a good opportunity for teachers to create the best learning atmosphere for students. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of PSE in helping students achieve well-being. This study uses a qualitative approach where the results of the effectiveness of PSE are obtained through data by conducting observation and interview activities with class VII J students at SMP Negeri 1 Bangli. The research data shows that students can learn mathematics with good focus after implementing PSE in learning activities. This can be supported through the implementation of Social Emotional Learning (PSE) which is able to stabilize students' Social and Emotional Competence (KSE). PSE is learning that focuses on optimizing the development of healthy character where students have healthy KSE. With healthy KSE which emphasizes the development of full awareness, students' learning focus on mathematics learning will increase.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Nengah Sri Armini, L.Virginayoga Hignasari Berdiferensiasi Berbasis Sains Lokal Untuk Mendorong Literasi Digital2024-08-15T13:56:01+00:00Nyoman Sri Darmayantinyomandarmayanti1@guru.smp.belajar.idNi Made<p><em>Learning by using cellphone cannot be separated so it is vulnerable to hoax news, including science hoaxes. So far, learning has not integrated activities that encourage digital literacy so that students can deal with hoax news, especially science hoaxes. In fact, one of the principles of differentiated learning is a quality curriculum. For this reason, differentiated learning based on local science issues is implemented to encourage students' digital literacy. Objective best practice This is to describe the success of achieving learning objectives and digital literacy in local science-based science differentiation learning. Differentiated learning is carried out by differentiating content according to the learning styles displayed in it google site Sains with Heart. Differentiation of the process with critical analysis of local science issues according to student interests. Product differentiation with the freedom to present the results of the analysis orally in class and in writing on a digital portfolio on Padlet. The results of this learning were successful in encouraging the achievement of students' learning goals. The results obtained were 33.3% of students (11 people) got a score in the Very Good category (A) and 66.7% (22 people) got a good category (B). The average achievement of all students is 83.8. Apart from that, it has also succeeded in encouraging students' digital literacy. The results obtained were 12.1% of students (4 people) in the very good digital literacy category (A), 78.8% (26 people) in the good digital literacy category (B) and 9.1% (3 people) in the sufficient digital literacy category. The average achievement of all students is 81.1 (good category).</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nyoman Sri Darmayanti, Ni Made Yuliani Swarga Santhi Sebagai Implikasi dari Konsep Menyama Braya di Banjar Adat Bebalang Bangli2024-08-15T13:53:34+00:00Sang Ayu Putu Wismayaniayuwisma2dadi@gmail.comLuh<p><em>Humans are social creatures who cannot live alone, humans always live together with other humans in a community group. In social life, there is definitely friction that causes socio-cultural problems. This also happens to the Balinese people in general, and the Bebalang Traditional Banjar community in particular. Phenomenon like a brother Those in the Bebalang Traditional Banjar have experienced shifts along with developments in technology and education. This of course affects activities like a brother. For this reason, in the Bebalang Traditional Banjar a social gathering called Arisan was created Swarga Santi namely a social gathering with the concept of helping families who are experiencing grief. The aim of this research is to find out how social gathering works Swarga Santi it implements the concept like a brother. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. The process of collecting data in research was carried out through literature study and interviews. The research results show that Arisan Swarga Santi is an activity that plays a role in helping Banjar residents who are experiencing grief. Each Head of Family is charged Rp. 50,000 for every arisan member who dies, with the number of arisan participants Swarga Santi 205, then each member will receive a condolence fund of Rp. 10,250,000. There is Arisan Swarga Santi This really helps members, and is a manifestation of like a brother. Helping families who are experiencing grief because he immediately receives cash so it can be used immediately. On the other hand, it is also easier for other members because they no longer need it damn boss, because it had been replaced with Rp. 50,000 thousand. Apart from that, it is a form like a brother, every member of the social gathering is obliged to help with the procession of the event at the funeral home.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sang Ayu Putu Wismayani, Luh Asli Platform Merdeka Mengajar (PMM) Untuk Mewujudkan Kurikulum Merdeka di SMP Negeri 1 Bangli2024-08-15T13:48:58+00:00Sang Putu Gede Cahya Purnamasangcahayapurnama@gmail.comI Wayan<p><em>The government is trying to improve the quality of education by launching the Merdeka curriculum in order to transform learning that liberates learning for teachers and students. In its implementation, the government created the Merdeka Teaching platform as a reference for principals and teachers to implement the Merdeka Curriculum in schools. The purpose of this study was to determine the strategy, impact and obstacles to optimizing the Merdeka Teaching Platform (PMM) to realize the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum. This study was conducted using qualitative research based on a descriptive naturalistic approach with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and document analysis. The results of the study showed strategies to optimize the use of the Merdeka Teaching Platform at SMP Negeri 1 Bangli such as habituation of platform use, formation of learning communities, implementing focus group discussions (FGD), the impact of optimizing the Merdeka Teaching platform is increasing teacher competence, developing learning innovations, increasing the development of learning resources and teachers are able to work and share good practices. Several obstacles in the application of the Merdeka Teaching Platform such as slow adaptation of technology, increasing teacher burden, limited access to technology and low teacher awareness.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sang Putu Gede Cahya Purnama, I Wayan Suyanta Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) Berbantuan Video Pembelajaran dan Quizizz Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa2024-08-15T14:16:32+00:00Desak Ketut Pramasantiavegexs@gmail.comI Nengah<p><em>By implementing an effective learning model and packaging it using interesting technological media, it is also hoped that it will be able to improve student learning outcomes. As for the aim of this research is to determine the application of the model Problem Based Learning (PBL) assisted by learning videos and Quizizz to improve student learning outcomes. This research is classroom action research using test and observation methods. The subjects of this research were 25 students of class VII G of SMP Negeri 6 Kintamani. Data collection was carried out using test and observation methods during learning activities. The research results show that it was found that there was a significant increase in the average score of students' mathematics learning outcomes. Initially in the first cycle the average student score was 66,8 which is categorized as poor in Cycle I, to 77.2 in Cycle II which is already in the good category with an increase of 10.4. Furthermore, there were 60% of students who scored above the Learning Goal Achievement Criteria (KKTP) in Cycle I and 84% of students in Cycle II with an increase of 24%. Thus, student learning outcomes have improved by using the learning model Problem Based Learning (PBL) assisted by learning videos and Quizizz.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Desak Ketut Pramasanti, I Nengah Kundera Program SAKRAL Untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru Dalam Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Digital di SMP Negeri 1 Tembuku2024-08-15T14:09:31+00:00I Putu Eka Pradnyanaipradnyana3@admin.smp.belajar.idI Ketut<p><em>Technology has a very important role in expanding access to information and learning opportunities. Many teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Tembuku face difficulties in adapting to the application of technology in the learning process, therefore new strategies are needed to improve teachers in increasing their ability to use technology in the learning process through training in creating digital-based learning media through the SAKRAL program. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of the SAKRAL program on the competence of teachers in making digital-based learning media at SMP Negeri 1 Tembuku. The method used is descriptive quantitative where data is obtained through the distribution of instruments to respondents who are then analyzed descriptively. The results of the research show that the average use and mastery of teachers in making digital-based learning media has increased in the category of very good by 10%, Good by 40%, Sufficient by 3.33%. And experienced a decrease in the Less category by 46.27%, and Very Less by 16.67%. Average student satisfaction and understanding of the material explained by the teacher by using digital-based learning media experienced an increase in the very good category by 26.47%, Good by 58.82%. As for the Sufficient category experienced a decrease of 32.35%, the Low category by 52.94%, and Very Low by 0%. The improvement of school performance in the digital field experienced an increase of 18 performances in a year from 2022 since the beginning of the implementation of the SAKRAL program until 2023. From the data it can be categorized that the application of the SAKRAL program can increase the competence of teachers in the use and creation of digital-based learning media, improving student understanding related to the material being learned and increasing student motivation in following learning as well as improving school performance in the field of digitization.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 I Putu Eka Pradnyana, I Ketut Wisarja dalam Teori Freud Merunut Kontribusi dan Kontroversi Sang Bapak Psikoanalisis dalam Studi Manusia2024-08-15T14:07:05+00:00Putu Elvira Pradnya Paramithaelvirapradnyea@gmail.comIndra Perdanaelvirapradnya@icloud.comJoni<p><em>The theory of psychoanalysis developed by Sigmund Freud is one of the most influential contributions in the history of modern psychology. This research discusses the role of Sigmund Freud's concepts of psychosociality in understanding individual dynamics in contemporary psychology. This research method adopts a qualitative research design. As for this research, it is accompanied by a library approach. This approach was chosen to explore and analyze Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theories through relevant library sources, such as books, journal articles and Freud's primary sources. Through an analysis of the literature, Freud's contribution to the understanding of personality structure, the concept of libido, and self-defense mechanisms is explained. The data collection technique in this research was carried out through a literature review. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman model, which is a systematic approach to analyzing qualitative data. Data analysis according to the Miles and Huberman approach is a systematic process for understanding and interpreting data in a study. The findings of this research highlight the relevance of Freud's concepts in modern therapeutic approaches and understanding of human behavior. Suggestions for the development of integrative therapeutic approaches, comparative studies between Freudian and alternative theories, and policy implications for psychological education are also discussed.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Putu Elvira Pradnya Paramitha, Indra Perdana, Joni Bungai Bangun Pillbox dengan Fitur Pengingat Minum Obat2024-11-18T12:30:40+00:00Putri Alief Asna Paramitha Gibran Al Azzahra Salmah Hannani Nur Talitha Manulus<p><em>The increasing prevalence of chronic illness, which requires long-term therapy, indicates the need for a medication reminder system. The Pillbox prototype was built using a design thinking approach (empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test). Interview results during the empathize phase revealed difficulties in managing multiple medications with varying dosing schedules without a reminder system. The define phase identified that existing pillboxes had inadequate compartments and no reminder systems featured. The ideate phase proposed a solution to design a pillbox with specific dimensions and configurations to accommodate diverse medication types and integrate an audiovisual reminder system. During the prototype phase, development proceeded through the planning of design and electronic systems, featuring a buzzer for alarms, LED lights as visual indicators, mechanical end-stop sensors for lid detection, a Nextion touchscreen interface for time settings, and an Arduino Nano microcontroller for computational and control functions. The test phase involved nine trials. Alarm time accuracy, measured by the difference between alarm activation and setting times, demonstrated good results at 29.22 ± 14.57 seconds. LED lights and sensor responsivity performed well across all trials. Functional testing demonstrated satisfactory performance. A pillbox prototype with an audiovisual reminder feature is designed to increase medication adherence rates.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Putri Alief Siswanto, Laily Asna Safira, Nadya Paramitha Jafari, Indra Pramanasari, Kahlil Gibran Al Zulmi, Annisa Azzahra Ramadhani, Nadia Salmah Fitria, Tanaya Hannani Nur Azmina, Ranaya Talitha Luthfia, Abdurrahman Mubarak, Timothy Manulus Reawaruw