Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama 2024-12-25T11:18:08+00:00 Jayapangus Press Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama</strong> contains the results of research in the field of religious and Cultural studies. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of Religious and Cultural Studies. <strong>Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama</strong>, particularly scopes on the Religious and Cultural Studies areas as follows: Religious Education, Religious Letters, Theology, Religious Philosophy, Yoga, Religious Law, Religious Communication, Religious Cultural, Religious Moderation, Cultural Studies, Regional Languages, Regional Literature, and Religion Science.</p> Teknik Konseling Islami Dalam Menangani Kenakalan Anak Di Panti Asuhan Putra Muhammadiyah Kota Medan 2024-09-05T01:47:09+00:00 Nurul Adela Sahrul Sahrul <p><em>Islamic counseling techniques are a continuous, systematic, and purposeful process to help everyone optimize their potential or fitrah by incorporating the values of the Qur'an and Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad in each person. This research aims to explore Islamic counseling techniques in overcoming child delinquency at Putra Muhammadiyah Orphanage in Medan City. This research conducts qualitative research, which interviews, observation, documentation. Furthermore, related to the data sources used by researchers in this study. this data source consists of two parts. primary data sources, secondary data sources. To overcome Child delinquency, caregivers make efforts as follows: teaching religious principles to children and providing guidance, because the hope is that the more they know about religion, the better their behavior will be. Children in orphanages are required to pray and memorize juz 30 or memorize prayers. The management of the Putra Muhammadiyah Medan Orphanage held a recitation and from the results of the research, the conclusion that the concept of Islamic teachings in the context of child education at the Putra Muhammadiyah Medan Orphanage. That each individual has a certain stage of development, and their learning process is influenced by this stage. Discussing the role of Islam as a teaching method, which states that humans are good teachers, but also have passions, guidelines that guide them towards a better future.</em></p> 2024-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Upaya Sublimasi Diri Melalui Pelaksanaan Yajña Berbasis Catur Marga Bagi Mahasiswa Hindu Menurut Lontar Sundarigama 2024-07-01T00:19:40+00:00 Anak Agung Gde Oka Widana Anak Agung Istri Dalem Hana Yundari Gusti Ayu Dhea Yutrisna <p><em>The implementation of yajña by the younger generation (Hindu students) often only refers to general "habits", while the use of specific references in the form of sacred lontar is still very minimal. Therefore, it is necessary to study more deeply the Hindu Sacred Lontar, especially for and by Hindu students in order to sublimate (change) the quality of understanding of religious values (yajña) to be more implementative. Translated with (free version). This research is a textual research, with the research method being descriptive qualitative and hermeneutic, so that in the analysis process it uses a qualitative in-depth verstehen (understanding) method. The approach used in this research is a psychological approach that focuses on literature. The primary data source in this research is Lontar Sundarigama which has been copied by Ida Bagus Arsana and published by PHDI Tabanan Regency, 1979. While the secondary data is from supporting books, literature reviews, documents, papers whose contents are relevant to the teachings of yajña. There are two data collection techniques used in this research, namely; Literature and Document recording.</em> <em>The results showed that self-sublimation efforts through Catur Marga-based yajña rituals for Hindu Students according to Lontar Sundarigama, consisted of; (1) Karma Marga (Students perform yajña regularly), (2) Bhakti Marga (Students place the aspect of Bhakti to God as an obligation), (3) Jnana Marga (Planting knowledge about good days for performing yajña), and (4) Raja Marga (collaboration in the implementation of yajña coupled with students' efforts to connect themselves to God through Yoga and Samadhi). Based on this study, it can be concluded that efforts to sublimate themselves through yajna for Hindu students have actually existed and been well expressed for a long time. Everything is clearly summarized in classical Hindu literature which can be used as a theoretical and implementative basis.</em></p> 2024-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Problematika Ekonomi dalam Dakwah 2024-11-24T05:49:42+00:00 Yudha Catur Pamungkas Lilik Hamidah Ryan Purnomo <p><em>Islamic</em><em> boarding schools are religious educational institutions that have an important role in shaping the character and morals of Indonesian society. However, in recent years, the rising cost of education has become one of the main challenges that hinder access for students, especially for underprivileged families. This study aims to analyze the impact of rising education costs on student access in Islamic boarding schools and identify solutions to overcome these problems. This study uses a qualitative approach with an analytical descriptive method. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with Islamic boarding school leaders, ustaz, students, and parents of students, as well as direct observation at several Islamic boarding schools. Documentation studies are also carried out to obtain information about cost management policies and programs run by pesantren. The results of the study show that the increase in operational costs of Islamic boarding schools, especially for infrastructure and modernization of education, is the main factor affecting the increase in education costs. In addition, family economic factors, the shift in social values from spiritualism to materialism, and the lack of government support have also worsened students' access to Islamic boarding schools. However, Islamic boarding schools are trying to find solutions by implementing zakat and infaq-based scholarship programs, as well as collaborating with philanthropic institutions. Some Islamic boarding schools also develop independent business units to support operations without burdening students. This study concludes that efficient management of education costs and innovation in education programs are essential to keep pesantren inclusive. Thus, pesantren can continue to be a pillar in da'wah and affordable Islamic education, as well as support the development of a better society. </em></p> 2024-11-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Implementasi Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar Pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Hindu Dan Budi Pekerti Di Sekolah Vidya Karuna Ubung Kaja Denpasar 2024-07-02T06:46:50+00:00 Febri Vive Kananda I Ketut Sudarsana I Dewa Ayu Hendrawathy Putri <p><em>Education must adapt to the needs of each era, one of which is an education system that can encourage adaptation to change and become lifelong learners. Hindu Religious Education is one of the media to transform divine and humanitarian values ​​in social, national, and state life which is developed to create an advanced generation in various sectors of life. Vidya Karuna School uses the merdeka belajar policy reference as a direction for future learning that provides opportunities for teachers and students to think freely, innovate freely, and learn independently and creatively to achieve the learning objectives of Hindu Religious Education and Character Education. The purpose of this study was to determine how the implementation, obstacles and efforts, and implications of the merdeka belajar policy are in the subjects of Hindu Religious Education and Character Education. The data collection methods used in this study were observation, interviews, and literature studies. The data that had been collected were analyzed using a qualitative descriptive analysis method with steps of reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions, and presenting the results of data analysis. Based on the overall data obtained, it can be seen that in implementing the merdeka belajar policy in Hindu Religion and Character Education, there are several stages, namely the process, implementation, and evaluation. To implement the merdeka belajar policy in the subjects of Hindu Religion and Character Education at Vidya Karuna School, teachers use several methods and strategies in learning that are adjusted to the stage of child development at each phase. The goal is to make Hindu Religion learning more effective, and interesting, and can create a pleasant learning atmosphere. In the implementation of the merdeka belajar policy, there are also several obstacles consisting of internal and external obstacles. The implications of the merdeka belajar policy in the subjects of Hindu Religion and Character Education at Vidya Karuna School are implemented using the 4C approach, developing innovative learning models.</em></p> 2024-11-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Pendidikan Bencana Dalam Perspektif Islam 2024-11-27T11:20:03+00:00 Bukhori Brata Kusuma Muzani Muzani <p><em>Misunderstanding of the teachings of Islam where people cannot distinguish between predestination and fatalistic attitudes, so that people ignore steps to reduce the risk of disaster. Predestiny attitude is an attitude that believes that every individual already has its own provisions, however, it can be changed through effort. While fatalistic is an attitude that believes that every individual already has provisions that cannot be changed. This research aims to provide a view on disaster education in an Islamic perspective and Islamic education in disaster risk reduction. Understanding the Islamic perspective on disasters is expected to be an effective approach to predestination and eliminating fatalistic attitudes. The research method used is the study of the library. Data collection is done by understanding and studying theories from various literatures related to this research. The findings from this literature review reveal that Islamic discourse sees disaster as a test from God. There is not a single verse in the Al-Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad that commands humans to surrender without any efforts to mitigate (fatalistic) but orders muslims to make efforts to mitigate themselves in disasters (predestination). The results of this research, namely fatalistic and predestini, are two concepts that often overlap, but have important differences in the meaning and concept of use. Fatalistic can cause apathy and predestination causes enthusiasm. Then this research offers three Islamic principles that can be used in disaster risk reduction, namely Al-Ilmu (knowledge), Ikhtiar (effort) and Tawakkul (trust in God) with these three concepts it is hoped that the Community can mitigate themselves and also those around them, so as to minimize the fall of victims in a disaster.</em></p> 2024-11-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Peran Kepemimpinan Dalam Penguatan Keyakinan (Sradha) Umat Buddha Di Desa Tanjung Kabupaten Jepara 2024-11-30T12:24:13+00:00 Widia Darma Tri Suyatno Eko Siswoyo <p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify;"><em>Leadership plays a crucial role in achieving shared goals, especially within Buddhist organizations in Tanjung Village, Monastery leaders are not only responsible for resource management but also serve as spiritual role models, motivators, and facilitators for the community. At Monastery, leadership is guided by principles of cooperation, transparency, and openness, encouraging active participation in various religious activities. The influence of social challenges and modern technology has affected the involvement of the younger generation in religious practices. Adaptive leadership is essential to maintain the community’s spiritual vitality and strengthen their faith in Buddhist teachings. By implementing values-based leadership, leaders can foster spiritual harmony, bolster solidarity, and ensure the continuity of Buddhist practices in facing modern challenges. This study employs a descriptive qualitative method to explore the role of leadership in educating Buddhists in Tanjung Village. The findings highlight that monastery leaders play a critical role in goal setting, work planning, and resource management. Leadership practices based on openness, togetherness, and cooperation enable Buddhists to participate voluntarily in decision-making and task division, thereby fostering a sense of responsibility and social solidarity within the community. Additionally, monastery leaders serve as exemplary figures in religious services and facilitators who connect the community with spiritual activities. They contribute to the development of the younger generation through education, arts, culture, and religious programs that enhance Buddhist faith. With their dual roles as administrators and spiritual guides, monastery leaders ensure the preservation of Buddhist teachings and the sustainability of the community, helping Buddhists adapt and societal dynamics.</em></p> 2024-11-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Pengelolaan Dana Punia Melalui Pengembangan Pendidikan Pasraman Dan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat di Badan Dharma Dana Punia Raman Utara 2024-09-09T06:30:18+00:00 Dewa Putu Antara I Nyoman Tri Bayu Tanaya <p><em>Dana punia is a sacred activity as one of the implementations of the teachings of dharma. The purpose of this study is to determine the management system of Punia Funds through the development of pasraman education and empowerment of the people's economy carried out by BDDPRU and to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors for the development of Punia Funds for pasraman education and empowerment of the people's economy carried out by BDDPRU. With that, it will be possible to obtain a maximum fund management system by pasraman. In addition, this study is able to encourage and empower Hindus in the future. This research method is Qualitative and uses studies in accordance with Humanistic theory and the theory of Motivation to do business in the management of Dharma Dana. One of the supporting factors for BDDPRU is the existence of permanent punia funders, this supporting factor can provide a strong solution in the process of managing punia funds through the development of pasraman education and empowerment of the people's economy. One of the inhibiting factors is the lack of adequate facilities and infrastructure. In conclusion, the BDDPRU Punia Fund management system has used POAC (Planning, Organizing, Actuating and Controlling) management but has not been maximized.</em></p> 2024-11-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Agama Hindu dan Budaya Bali: Warisan Luhur dalam Kehidupan Modern 2024-12-12T05:29:57+00:00 Ida Bagus Gede Subawa <p><em>Religion, previously regarded as a shared source of values and social norms, is now increasingly understood as a personal reconstruction process reflecting individual freedom in interpreting religious teachings. In Bali, this phenomenon is evident in the evolving practices of Balinese Hinduism, influenced by modernization and globalization. Nevertheless, the Balinese Hindu identity remains preserved by most of the community as an integral part of their culture. Balinese Hinduism plays a crucial role in maintaining social and cultural harmony through the implementation of panca yadnya rituals and the Tri Hita Karana principles, which emphasize balance in relationships between humans, God, and nature. This study aims to examine the dynamics of changes in Balinese Hindu practices and explore their role in maintaining social and cultural harmony amidst the challenges of globalization. The method employed is a literature review, analyzing relevant academic sources to develop theoretical contributions toward the preservation of Balinese Hindu culture and religion. The findings reveal that despite the increasing influence of modernization, local religious practices such as panca yadnya remain central to Balinese life. The tri hita karana principles continue to serve as a foundational framework supporting cultural sustainability and social harmony in the face of changing times. In conclusion, the Balinese Hindu identity demonstrates significant resilience through the integration of local traditions with modern challenges. This study highlights the importance of preserving Balinese Hindu religion and culture as a means of safeguarding social harmony and local wisdom in the era of globalization.</em></p> 2024-11-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Pengaruh Status Sosial dan Kekuasaan dalam Komunikasi Antar Pribadi antara Gus Miftah dan Penjual Es Teh 2024-12-12T02:57:28+00:00 Wildan Nadhif Berlianti Karunia Romadhoni Luluk Fikri Zuhriyah Ryan Purnomo <p><em>Social status and power have a significant influence in shaping the dynamics of interpersonal communication, especially in the context of interactions between individuals with striking differences in status. Gus Miftah, a scholar with high social status and strong religious influence, provides a unique opportunity to understand this phenomenon. This study aims to examine the influence of the difference in social status between Gus Miftah and iced tea sellers on the communication patterns that are established, as well as analyze how the power possessed by Gus Miftah affects the dynamics of these interactions in daily life. A descriptive qualitative approach is used in this study with data collection techniques in the form of observations and in-depth interviews that are analyzed thematically. This method aims to describe the communication patterns that emerge in their interactions. The results of the study show that differences in social status create complex communication dynamics, where the power and influence of Gus Miftah allow for empowering communication. Although potential obstacles such as awkwardness or inferiority from parties with lower social status can arise, Gus Miftah managed to minimize these obstacles with a communication approach full of empathy, care, and mutual respect. This not only creates a harmonious interaction, but also empowers iced tea sellers through increased motivation and confidence. In conclusion, effective communication between individuals with different social statuses can be achieved if those who have power use their influence wisely and inclusively. Gus Miftah is a clear example of how the principles of empowerment, respect, and empathy are able to overcome communication barriers, create relationships that are beneficial for both parties, and make a positive contribution to a more harmonious social life.</em></p> 2024-11-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Wayang Emas Di Bali Peradaban Budaya Hindu Nusantara 2024-12-25T11:18:08+00:00 I Nyoman Linggih <p><em>The existence of wayang (shadow puppets) in the nusantara region dates back to 829 CE (907 AD), with its presence in Bali traced to 980 Saka (1058 AD). In modern times, the tradition of Wayang Emas (Golden Puppet) in Bali began in 2009. This study aims to explore the forms, functions, and meanings of Wayang Emas for the Hindu community in Nusantara. Data collection involved observations, literature studies, and interviews, analyzed through data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results indicate that Wayang Emas, crafted from pure yellow and white gold, is rooted in the Majapahit era. This unique tradition is linked to Prime Minister Gajah Mada's Palapa Oath, symbolizing the unification of nusantara under the Majapahit Kingdom in the 14th century. Wayang Emas exemplifies the advanced cultural and spiritual legacy of Hindu nusantara. It serves multiple functions: as an artistic expression, a medium of religious devotion, and a symbol of societal cohesion. Its sacred nature underscores the duality of physical and spiritual preservation, embodying cultural continuity while fostering faith in the oneness of God. In conclusion, Wayang Emas reflects the enduring influence of Majapahit Hindu culture and its ability to adapt to contemporary practices. As a tangible representation of unity and sanctity, it highlights the importance of safeguarding this heritage, ensuring its relevance for future generations while strengthening the spiritual and cultural identity of the Hindu community in nusantara.</em></p> 2024-11-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Analisis Pesan Dakwah Maher Zain dalam Sholawat Burdah di Channel Youtube 2024-12-19T12:43:51+00:00 Dini Atika Wati Qori Hajidah Arianti AI Hidayahtul Mus Qoimah Luluk Fikri Zuhriyah Ryan Purnomo <p><em>This</em><em> study aims to analyze the signs and messages of da'wah in the Burdah prayer presented on Maher Zain's YouTube channel. The background of this research is the importance of understanding the meaning of signs in modern da'wah media as a means of conveying Islamic values. The formulation of the problem includes three main aspects, namely the meaning of the sign in the Burdah prayer, the connotative and denotative meaning of the da'wah message, and the essence of the da'wah message contained. This study uses a graphical subjective examination technique with an information examination method that involves in-depth data collection, parsing, and analysis. The focus of the research includes the identification of signs, implied meanings, suggestive signs, denotative signs, and symbols in the Burdah prayer. The results of the study show that: first, the signs in the Burdah prayer, such as the symbol of the robe and the black robe, have an important meaning as a medium for conveying the message of protection and spiritual elegance. Second, the connotative and denotative meaning of the da'wah message represents the majesty of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and the importance of prayer for mercy and salvation from Allah. Third, the da'wah message contained in the Burdah prayer includes the teaching values of aqidah, ethics, and sharia, which are the core of Islamic teachings. The conclusion of this study confirms that the Burdah prayer has a depth of da'wah message that is relevant to modern life, combining elements of art and spirituality to convey the teachings of Islam. This research contributes to the development of da'wah communication studies through digital media</em>.</p> 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama