Pendampingan Pastoral Keluarga Dalam Mengukuhkan Hakikat Sakramen Perkawinan Menurut Iman Katolik


  • Benedikta Boleng Universitas Flores


Family Pastoral, Sacrament Of Marriage


This research was conducted to determine the extent to which Catholic families in the Diocese of Ende received family assistance from the Church (Parish); (2) Finding mentoring strategies that can be used in family pastoral mentoring activities; (3) Through proper accompaniment activities, Catholic families can be brought to a clear understanding and appreciation of the noble meaning of their marriage. The number of respondents was 140 people, data was obtained through a questionnaire distributed to Catholic families who had received the Sacrament of Marriage. The data analysis technique in this study used Chi-Square analysis. The results showed that family pastoral assistance reached a quality scale of 75.86% or was in the effective category, while the embodiment of the values ​​of the Sacrament of Marriage reached 78.71% which means good. The mean of variables I and II using the Chi Square count shows the result of 12.06 which is greater (>) than the Chi Square table 7.82 which means significant. This means that the family pastoral assistance that has been carried out has a significant relationship with the understanding and appreciation of the people of the noble meaning of their marriage.


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How to Cite

Boleng, B. (2021). Pendampingan Pastoral Keluarga Dalam Mengukuhkan Hakikat Sakramen Perkawinan Menurut Iman Katolik. Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama, 4(1), 11–24. Retrieved from


