Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-11-01T12:03:39+00:00 Jayapangus Press Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan</strong> is an scientific journal published by Jayapangus Press, aims at providing scientific insights regarding various educational situations or interactions, of all level and types of education. The foci of the journal are: 1) Review of educational curriculum, 2) Review of learning materials, 3) Teaching media and teaching aids, 4) Teaching methods and strategies, 5) Teacher’s competencies, 6) Studies on learner’s and teacher’s development, 7) Educational institution management studies, 8) Characters, gender, and educational evaluation.</p> Karakteristik Kesehatan Mental Remaja Dalam Perilaku Self Harm 2024-09-08T02:40:07+00:00 Muhammad Fajaruddin Sahrul Sahrul <p><em>Self-harm is known as self-harm is a mental health phenomenon in which a person uses physical pain to cope with emotional stress. The study aims to understand the characteristics of adolescent mental health with self-harm behavior, as well as to find out how adolescents can reduce self-harm behavior. This study applies a descriptive qualitative method. This study involved three informants with the initials DA, MAT, and FR. The informants in this study were adolescents aged 18-19 years who committed self-harm when facing problems. The determination of informants used a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques were obtained from observation, interviews, and documentation and were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman method. The characteristics of mental health possessed by adolescents with self-harm behavior in Village X tended more towards unhealthy mental characteristics. The results of the study showed adolescent behavior such as losing self-control in managing emotions, withdrawing from their environment, having feelings of shame and guilt, and difficulty concentrating in their social and school environments. In line with the opinions of experts regarding the characteristics of mental health which refer to an unhealthy mentality (ill mentality). However, even so, teenagers have tried to stop their self-harming behavior with other more positive activities such as exercising, writing and listening to music to please their hearts and minds.</em></p> 2024-10-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Fajaruddin, Sahrul Sahrul Pola Spritual Dan Intelektual Lulusan Pondok Pesantren Al-Qur'an Al-Majidiyah Bagan Batu 2024-09-21T11:15:19+00:00 Ratna Sari Abrar M Dawud Faza <p><em>Alumni of Islamic boarding schools sometimes use their time and habits to engage in unproductive activities, such as dating, and there are even female students who participate in bullying. This problem raises questions about whether the teachings imparted by the pesantren and the actions taken by its students are in alignment with each other. Why do individuals who graduate from institutions designed to impart religious and spiritual principles often engage in negative behaviors? The aim of this research is to obtain an overview of the religious practices and religious knowledge of the alumni of the Al-Qur'an Al-Majidiyah Islamic boarding school in Bagan Batu. This research uses a qualitative methodology, employing interviews, documentation, and observation to collect descriptive data. The research findings indicate two themes to describe the religious practices and religious knowledge of alumni from Islamic boarding schools. These themes relate to the conditions while living in boarding school and after leaving. The research subjects are alumni of Islamic boarding schools who have made changes that are not in accordance with Islamic teachings. This study shows that students who graduated from the Al-Majidiyah Islamic boarding school still have a thorough understanding of religious practices and their religious knowledge. In addition, they still often practice their religion.</em></p> 2024-10-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratna Sari, Abrar M Dawud Faza Penanaman Karakter Demokratis Melalui Pembiasaan Dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila Di Sekolah Dasar 2024-10-06T05:38:17+00:00 Jeny Setyowati Arief Cahyo Utomo <p><em>Democratic character is essential for students because it will affect how students think and act in everyday life. Therefore, schools need to instil democratic values ​​from an early age. The fourth-grade teacher of SD Negeri Gondang 1 has tried to instil democratic character by implementing internalised habits in Pancasila education learning. This study aims to describe the application of habits in Pancasila education learning to instil students' democratic character and to find out the obstacles faced in its implementation. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis in this study, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Validity tests use triangulation techniques and source triangulation. The study results indicate that the instillation of democratic character is carried out in Pancasila education learning through habits that are carried out, including : 1) Routine activities such as group activities, presentations, and delivering responses; 2) Spontaneous activities include discussions when there are differences of opinion and teacher reprimands; and 3) Role models such as teachers motivate and show appreciation to students. The most significant democratic character indicators in habituation activities are getting used to deliberation, providing opportunities to express opinions, and respecting opinions or criticism. The obstacles were differences in student backgrounds and low awareness of the need to carry out habituation activities properly. To overcome these obstacles, teachers try to provide special assistance to students.</em></p> 2024-10-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jeny Setyowati, Arief Cahyo Utomo The Effect of Corrective Feedback to Improve Students’ Motivation In Speaking Skills A Perspective From EFL Learners 2024-10-13T10:56:16+00:00 Azhura Dea Mahara Didik Hartono <p>The effect of corrective feedback can result in various negative to positive effects on the student’s motivation in speaking skills. Corrective feedback has been used to correct the students’ mistakes. This research aims to explore the use of corrective feedback to the student’s motivation in learning speaking skills. It was conducted through an online platform for higher-level students at Brawijaya University. The respondents are 56 students who claimed to have experience in receiving corrective feedback as well as having knowledge of corrective feedback. The researcher used a Quantitative-Descriptive method by collecting data using questionaries. Using quantitative methods, this study employed close-ended questions. As a result, numerical data was expected to be analyzed for the source of the research data. The results showed that although corrective feedback can be seen as a way that can improve students’ academic skills, it is proven that it can be a negative aspect in improving students’ motivation in speaking skills. This research is expected to bring out an awareness about giving feedback to the students in order to improve their speaking skills.</p> 2024-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Azhura Dea Mahara, Didik Hartono Strategi Efektif untuk Mengatasi Permasalahan Pembelajaran IPS Bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar 2024-10-28T10:57:50+00:00 Rizkika Windasari I Wayan Lasmawan I Wayan Kertih <p><em>This research aims to identify the problems in Social Studies learning in Elementary Schools and propose effective strategies to address them. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and documentation studies. The research subjects are elementary school social studies teachers with more than 5 years of teaching experience, as well as students in grades 4 to 6. The research results indicate that the main problems in social studies learning include low student interest, lack of use of innovative learning media, and minimal application of active learning methods. Students tend to be passive and do not actively engage in the learning process, while teachers rarely use technology or interactive teaching methods. The proposed strategies to address this issue include the implementation of active learning methods, integration of technology in education, creation of a conducive learning environment, and professional training and development for teachers. With the implementation of these strategies, it is hoped that social studies learning in elementary schools will become more interesting and effective.</em></p> 2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rizkika Windasari, I Wayan Lasmawan, I Wayan Kertih Development of Operational Level Practical Test Instrument by Using Competency-Based Assessment Model 2024-10-27T04:00:48+00:00 Irwan Irwan Sarifuddin Sarifuddin Riki Wanda Putra Hasri Devin <p>The lack relevance of practical ability assessment with industry needs causes nautical technology graduates to not be fully prepared to work in the field. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a practical test instrument that is in accordance with Graduate Learning Outcomes. The purpose of this study is to produce an operational level practical test instrument with a valid, reliable, and effective competency-based assessment model. This type of research is development research by using the Wilson Model and the Oriondo and Antonio Model. Validity test was content validity. Reliability test was test-retest and inter-rater reliability. Effectiveness test used the N-Gain percentage. The results of the study prove that the developed instrument is valid with a validity value 3.8 and criterion A. The instrument is reliable because the t-count value is smaller than the t-table value, meaning that there is no difference between the average values ​​of the three raters. The instrument is effective because the N-Gain percentage = 74.6%. The limitations of this study lie in the limited testing, only focusing on the operational level, and the variation of raters who only come from within the institution. The recommendation from this study is that the developed instrument should be tested in other maritime educational institutions. Then, it is necessary to develop similar instruments for the management level in the maritime sector.</p> 2024-11-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Irwan Irwan, Sarifuddin Sarifuddin, Riki Wanda Putra, Hasri Devin Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran CTL Dan Media Berbasis AI Terhadap Kemampuan Literasi Mahasiswa Tadris IPS UINSU Dalam Penelitian Kuantitatif 2024-10-04T12:09:28+00:00 Khairan Syahputra Tarigan Ripho Delzy Perkasa <p><em>Education in the modern era is experiencing significant transformation, including changes in technology and teaching paradigms. At the North Sumatra State Islamic University (UINSU), especially in the Tadris Social Sciences (IPS) study program, there are challenges in developing student literacy, especially in Quantitative Research courses. This research aims to analyze the effect of implementing Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning strategies and Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based learning media on students' literacy abilities. The research method used was quantitative with a 2x2 factorial quasi-experimental design, involving 68 students divided into experimental and control classes. Data was collected through questionnaires and analyzed using multiple regression analysis, t test, and F test. The results showed that the application of CTL strategies and AI media had a significant positive effect on students' literacy skills, with a contribution of 77.7%. These findings emphasize the importance of integrating interactive learning strategies and technology in improving academic literacy. The conclusions of this research suggest the need for further development and application of innovative learning methods to achieve more optimal results in student literacy.</em></p> 2024-11-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Khairan Syahputra Tarigan, Ripho Delzy Perkasa Pengembangan Panduan Ekstrakurikuler Pramuka Penegak Berbasis Kearifan Lokal pada SMA dan SMK Kota Salatiga 2024-11-01T12:03:39+00:00 Febri Listiarum Dionisius Heckie Puspoko Jati Ruth Siwi Ningtyas <p><em>The lack of appreciation among students at SMK Saraswati and SMA Kristen Satya Wacana in Salatiga towards instructors during lessons, coupled with the limited use of instructional materials (primarily textbooks), which are often solely held by educators and not accessible to students, prompted this research. This study aims to develop and evaluate a media-based Scout learning guide to enhance teaching effectiveness on Scout topics such as Scouting History, Morse Code, Semaphore, and Knotting. Currently, these topics lack sufficient media resources, leading to student difficulties in comprehending and mastering the material. This research employs the ADDIE model, comprising the stages of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation, to ensure a systematic and comprehensive development process. The instruments used include practicality questionnaires for Scout instructors and students, validation questionnaires from content and media experts, and tests assessing students' understanding of Scout topics. Validation results show that the guide received scores of 76% from media experts, 86% from content experts, and 74% from prospective users. Overall, the guide achieved an average score of 72% in terms of practicality and feasibility, indicating that it falls into the "highly suitable" category for use in secondary school settings. These findings suggest that the ADDIE model-based learning guide is not only feasible but also effective in helping students better understand Scout topics and fostering their interest in Scouting activities. Therefore, it can be concluded that developing media-based learning materials using the ADDIE model results in a guide that is both feasible and effective for use in secondary school Scout education.</em></p> 2024-11-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Febri Listiarum, Dionisius Heckie Puspoko Jati, Ruth Siwi Ningtyas The Pengembangan E-Modul Peristiwa Trikora Untuk Meningkatkan Minat dan Pemahaman Sejarah Siswa Kelas XI SMK PGRI 2 Malang 2024-09-09T06:27:22+00:00 Rommy Naufal Ramadhan Dewa Agung Gede Agung Aditya Nugroho Widiadi <p><em> Indonesian history is a subject that must be taught at the Vocational High School (SMK) level. Based on interviews with history teachers at SMK PGRI 2 Malang, it was found that students are less interested in learning history and there are still many students who get scores below the KKM (Minimum Completeness Criteria), which is 70. The objectives of the study were to produce e-modules of Trikora Events as history teaching materials for grade XI students of SMK PGRI 2 Malang, to test the effectiveness of e-modules of Trikora Events on the interest in learning history of grade XI students of SMK PGRI 2 Malang, and to test the effectiveness of e-modules of Trikora Events on the understanding of history of grade XI students of SMK PGRI 2 Malang. The place of research is SMK PGRI 2 Malang. This research used a research and development method which applied the ADDIE model. Data were collected through questionnaires and test questions. The data analysis technique uses validity analysis, student interest in history lessons after using e-modules and practicality and historical comprehension test of grade XI students. The results of the study came from material expert validators, teaching material expert validators, and students. The material expert validation score obtained a score of 95% with a very valid category, and was not revised, the score on the teaching material expert validation obtained a score of 82.14% which means very valid and not revised, the score on the small group trial to determine students’ interest in learning history scored 92.25% which means very valid and students are very interested in studying history, the practicality test obtained a score of 86, 33% which means very practical, the control class history comprehension test obtained an N-Gain score of 0.64, which means that the Trikora Event e-module is quite effective in increasing the understanding of the history of grade XI students of SMK PGRI 2 Malang, and the experimental class history comprehension test obtained a score of 0.66 which means it is quite effective in increasing the understanding of the history of grade XI students of SMK PGRI 2 Malang. So it is concluded that the developed e-module of Trikora Event is effective to increase the interest in learning history and historical understanding of grade XI students of SMK PGRI 2 Malang. </em></p> 2024-11-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rommy Naufal Ramadhan, Dewa Agung Gede Agung, Aditya Nugroho Widiadi Pembelajaran Sejarah Berbasis Sejarah Lokal Peran Blitar dalam Mempertahankan Kemerdekaan Indonesia 1948-1950 2024-08-27T12:41:34+00:00 Aditya Nugroho Widiadi Wahyu Djoko Sulistyo Lutfiah Ayundasari Ari Sapto Muhammad Aqib Nur Habibi Mellina Nur Hafida Gedhe Ashari Edna Sari Kusuma Dewi <p><em>This study analyses Blitar's role as one of the Republic of Indonesia's guerrilla bases during the Dutch military aggression period and the struggle for independence. Located in East Java, Blitar has a long history, starting from the Dutch colonial period, the Japanese occupation, to the post-proclamation of Indonesian independence. Blitar became an important centre for military and emergency government activities in East Java, especially after the Dutch launched Military Aggression I and II. This research illustrates how Blitar became a gathering place for long march troops from various regions, as well as the formation of a military government structure that played an important role in defending the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. Using data from various sources, including official reports and historical studies, this research seeks to present a picture of the socio-political and military dynamics in Blitar during this critical time in Indonesian history. However, despite its significant role, local history studies related to Blitar's role in this struggle are still minimally explored in history learning in schools. Therefore, the integration of Blitar's local history in the curriculum is expected to strengthen students' understanding of the importance of their region's contribution to national history.</em></p> 2024-11-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aditya Nugroho Widiadi, Wahyu Djoko Sulistyo, Lutfiah Ayundasari, Ari Sapto, Muhammad Aqib Nur Habibi, Mellina Nur Hafida, Gedhe Ashari, Edna Sari Kusuma Dewi