Penelitian Agama Hindu2025-01-10T11:32:48+00:00Jayapangus Pressjurnalpenelitianagamahindu@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu with eISSN: <strong><a href="">2579-9843</a> </strong>(SK no. 0005.25799843/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2017.05 - 18 May 2017) publish by Jayapangus Press, particularly focuses on Hinduism and Culture Studies. Scope Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu <strong>: </strong>Hinduism Education, Hinduism Religious Literatures, Hindu Primary School Studies, Hindu Preschool Studies, Hinduism Communication Studies, Hindu Laws, Yoga Studies, Hinduism Philosophy, Hinduism Theology, Religious Tourism Studies, Religious Moderation, Humanities, and Cultural Studies</p> Definisi Hindu Nusantara2024-09-06T04:40:30+00:00Ravinjay Kuckrejaravinjay@gmail.comI Nyoman Yoga<p><em>Currently there is a dichotomy between Hindu India and Hindu Nusantara. This article seeks to find the meaning of Hindu Nusantara, a term used by Indonesian Hindus, including in government policy-making, in the absence of a clear definition. The research employed a qualitative approach, utilizing theoretical analysis and document research to explore the historical evolution and contemporary expression of Hinduism in Indonesia. Agama Hindu Indonesia rejects international Hindu missionary movements, although it is also a national missionary movement. This missionary activity results in the first definition of Hindu Nusantara; a local ancestral religion that becomes a sect or part of Agama Hindu Indonesia. However, since indigenous religions can be recognized as belief systems (aliran kepercayaan), Hindu Nusantara turned into a counter-movement to Hindu missionaries from India. Similar to Islam Nusantara, it became a form of Hinduism that resonates with Indonesian customs and culture. This research also discusses the possible impacts of Hindu Nusantara; (1) the return of Hindu Nusantara sects to ancestral religion, (2) increased intolerance towards Indians and their form of Hinduism, and (3) Balinese preferring to opt out of Hinduism altogether to assert their own religious identity. The phenomenon of Hindu Nusantara suggests that movements within Indonesian Hinduism are often reactive, lacking thoughtful insight, in-depth study, and careful discernment.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ravinjay Kuckreja, I Nyoman Yoga Segara Konsepsi Kuburan Pada Masyarakat Hindu Bali: Antara Tantra, Calon Arang, dan Wacana Populer2024-03-22T10:41:34+00:00Komang Indra<p><em>The charnel ground (sĕma/setra) is one of the locations regarded as sacred by the Balinese Hindu community, serving as a center for various religious rituals, ranging from Pitra Yadnya to less common rites such as Ngĕreh. This sacredness is illustrated in the Calon Arang performance, where the charnel ground is featured as one of the key spaces, in addition to being a significant element in the Calon Arang text. On the other hand, various media, from films to information found on the internet, often depict charnel grounds in a negative context. Observing these two contrasting portrayals, this research is aimed at investigating the differences in perception regarding the meaning of charnel grounds from the two aforementioned perspectives, focusing on the discourses surrounding charnel grounds in Calon Arang (both in the text and in performance contexts) and comparing them with narratives disseminated through popular media, while analyzing these through the lens of Balinese Hindu theology rooted in Tantric teachings. The research method employed is a semiotic approach with a descriptive qualitative framework. The findings reveal that contemporary Balinese Hindus tend to hold a negative image of charnel grounds, which is inconsistent with the theological teachings of Hinduism. This shift in perception is largely influenced by widespread information from various popular media, such as social media and the internet, which often portray charnel grounds negatively. As a result, there is a dissonance between the values taught in the Śāstra and the general public's views. Understanding this shift becomes crucial in preserving the theological values of Hinduism amid the flow of digital information. Hence, this study highlights the urgency of awareness regarding this perceptual change and the need for concrete actions to uphold the integrity of religion and culture in Bali.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Komang Indra Wirawan Bulu Goak Dalam Kajian Teo Estetika Hindu2024-04-21T11:23:04+00:00I Gusti Ngurah Pertu<p><em>Barong Bulu Goak is a unique manifestation of culture and spirituality in Hindu society in Bali. Known for its rare and sacred presence, the Barong Bulu Goak attracts attention because it uses crow feather decoration, which is rarely used in other types of barong. This research aims to explore the theological and aesthetic depth surrounding Barong Bulu Goak in the context of Balinese culture. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach to explore the symbolic role, ritual and theological meaning of Barong Bulu Goak in Balinese society. The main focus of this research is to explore the Theo-Aesthetic aspects surrounding Barong Bulu Goak, relate it to Hindu theological concepts, and explore how the use of crow feathers as an aesthetic element influences aesthetic perception and experience. In the context of theo-aesthetics, this research explains how Hindu theological concepts related to Brahman and its manifestations in everyday life are combined with aesthetic experiences through performing arts. The results of the research present that Barong Bulu Goak shows a tendency in its appearance and rituals to exude beauty or Ramya Tattwa and also the Suwung Tattwa phase which reflects aspects of Balinese artistic aesthetics. The concept of ramya refers to the integrated beauty of make-up, movement, and rituals that attract attention and radiate feelings of joy and satisfaction in religious ceremonies. Suwung presents quiet moments that provide opportunities for spiritual reflection and deep appreciation of the presence of Barong Bulu Goak in the ritual until the peak of the experience is known as saktibhava, marking the moment where the ceremony participants feel connected spiritually which indicates the existence of Barong Bulu Goak is a creative expression which shows how spiritual and aesthetic life in the Hindu context can combine in a deep experience, giving rise to the power of spirituality in the perception of beauty.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 I Gusti Ngurah Pertu Agung Memori Imajinasi Dalam Pewarisan Nilai Monumental Pertunjukan Wayang Kulit Bagi Masyarakat Hindu di Bali2024-07-27T12:34:06+00:00I Dewa Ketut Hendrahendrasnts@gmail.comSaptono Wayan Dewa Ketut<p><em>Memory transfer (memory trance) conceptually involves actively remembering, realizing, and inheriting values of greatness, survival, and stability in performing arts. Imagination, used to affirm memory transfer, creates mental images that emphasize large, impressive objects, ideas, or concepts, significantly influencing the inheritance of the monumental value of Balinese traditional wayang kulit performances. This research aims to first identify memory trance based on imagination in inheriting Balinese wayang kulit's monumental value; second, analyze the significance of memory trances in this inheritance. A phenomenological approach (psychology-imagination) and instrumental aesthetic theory support the qualitative research. Findings include: first, imagination memory trance reveals action phases based on imagination behavior, such as 'imagination' (transmutation of objects by the subject), ‘creativity and mental imagery’ (transformation through metacognition), ‘cultural context’ (value clarification and internalization), and 'monumental value' (understanding the majestic value). Second, the significance of imaginary memory transience impacts active behavior in inheriting Balinese wayang kulit's monumental value. It examines the audience's aesthetic experience from imaginary images presented by the puppeteer and transforms artistic sources into aesthetic elements involving socio-cultural trends, creating 'dialectics' and 'catharsis' for audience appreciation. Additionally, it involves internalizing socio-religious values, building involvement, and vertical-horizontal existence, and forming the image of wayang as monumental art.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 I Dewa Ketut Wicaksandita, Santosa Hendra, Saptono Saptono, I Wayan Sutirtha, I Dewa Ketut Wicaksana Manusia, Alam, dan Tuhan dalam Praktik Tri Hita Karana pada Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup di Desa Krisik2024-08-06T07:38:23+00:00Sukirno Hadi Utami Dewi Akhmad Adi<p><em>Environmental awareness poses a significant challenge for many communities in Indonesia, including the Hindu community in Krisik Village, Gandusari District, Blitar Regency. The concept of Tri Hita Karana, which emphasizes harmony between humans, nature, and God, offers a holistic approach to environmental education. This study aims to explore the implementation of Tri Hita Karana in environmental education and how community collaboration can strengthen this harmony. Using a qualitative method with a case study approach, data was collected through in-depth interviews with community leaders, teachers, and community members, and through participatory observation and document analysis. The findings reveal that the application of Tri Hita Karana in environmental education in Krisik Village has significantly increased community awareness and involvement in environmental conservation. Practices such as waste management, reforestation, and religious ceremonies that honor nature have become integral parts of daily life. Collaboration between schools, village government, and the local community has proven effective in supporting sustainable environmental initiatives. Furthermore, the values of Tri Hita Karana have helped the community develop a more sustainable approach to the environment, strengthening social and spiritual bonds within the community. This study concludes that a local wisdom-based approach like Tri Hita Karana can serve as an effective model in environmental education, contributing significantly to the development of sustainable and culturally rooted environmental education policies.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Sukirno Hadi Raharjo, Siti Utami Dewi Ningrum, Faizal Akhmad Adi Masbukhin Flora Dan Fauna Pada Candi Hindu Masa Kedatuan Sriwijaya Untuk Pembelajaran Sejarah2024-09-13T11:09:06+00:00Retno Septi<p><em>This study aims to explore the themes of flora and fauna motifs on Hindu temples during the Srivijaya period as part of the study of the history and art of religious architecture. The main objective is to understand how these motifs reflect the cosmology and spiritual values of Hindu society during that period. The research methods used include descriptive analysis of temple reliefs in Sumatra, literature review of archaeological sources, and comparison with motifs on other Hindu temples in Southeast Asia. This analysis technique involves detailed observation of floral elements such as leaves, lotus flowers, and trees, as well as fauna such as birds, snakes, and mythological animals, which are often found on temple reliefs. The discussion focuses on the symbolic meaning of these motifs, where flora is often associated with fertility and life, while fauna symbolizes strength and wisdom. This study also discusses how these motifs function as a medium to convey spiritual values and emphasize the harmonious relationship between humans and nature. The conclusion of this study shows that the flora and fauna motifs on Srivijaya Hindu temples not only function as aesthetic elements, but also have deep religious meanings. These motifs provide important insights into how the Srivijaya people combined their beliefs with a respect for nature, as well as their contribution to the understanding of Hindu history and culture in the archipelago. </em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Retno Susanti, Didi Suhendi, Ria Amalia, Fadela Septi Wahyuni Profil Pelajar Pancasila Dalam Satua Bali2024-10-06T12:00:14+00:00Ida Bagus Made Wisnu Partaibmwisnuparta@gmail.comI Gusti Ayu Putu Istri<p><em>Satua is a Balinese traditional fairy tale or literary work in prose that contains life values, one of which is Satua Tong! Ceng! Pung! Pung! Jir! as the object of research. The purpose of this study is to determine whether Balinese satua can educate children's character and foster a sense of religious moderation in Bali. This study uses transformation theory, sociological theory, and ethnopedagogy theory supported by analytical descriptive methods and reading techniques in analyzing data. The results of this study are (1) revitalizing Balinese language satua by transforming books into learning videos that contain the values of the Pancasila student profile dimensions. (2) There are three basic frameworks of Hinduism in satua, including: (a) Tatwa (philosophy) there are five philosophies of faith as the basis of belief called Panca Sradha, (b) Susila (ethics) there are Tat Twam Asi and Tri Kaya Parisudha which emphasize the attitude of mutual belonging and feeling as fellow living beings. (c) Ceremony (ritual) there is a sincere holy sacrifice called Yadnya which consists of five parts called Panca Yadnya. (3) Based on the responses of teaching teachers and the responses of 161 students from 9 elementary schools in Bali, 20.36% chose neutral, 49.87% agreed, and 29.76% strongly agreed. Thus, the use of learning video media can increase students' interest in learning and shape children's character according to the profile of Pancasila students, as well as foster an attitude of religious moderation in Bali.</em></p>2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ida Bagus Made Wisnu Parta, I Gusti Ayu Putu Istri Aryasuari Posmoderen: Idealisasi Seni Karawitan dalam Agama Hindu di Bali2024-11-10T11:25:37+00:00I Gede Mawangedemawan91@gmail.comHendra<p><em>Balinese musical art is essentially a cultural heritage passed down from generation to generation from the predecessors, and always adheres to existing traditions, relying on traditional patterns that develop in society. There is no traditional or religious ceremony in Bali without the involvement of musical arts. The diversity and complexity of Balinese gamelan playing has been the subject of study among researchers with various scientific approaches. This paper aims to discuss the art of Balinese gamelan music in the realm of postmodern aesthetic studies, one of the disciplines that is growing quite rapidly today. This research uses a descriptive method of analysis with data collection techniques such as observation, interviews, and literature studies as well as the author's experience as a musical performer. The results of this study show that in the last decade or 10 years there has been a fundamental change in the process of creating new works in Balinese karawitan. The process of creating new works, which has been based on a strong tradition, has now changed into contemporary (modern), postmodern or contemporary art. This phenomenon occurs due to the change in the mindset of artists who always want to keep up with the times. The forms or idioms of postmodern aesthetics found in the process of creating new works in Balinese musical art include Pastiche, Parody, Kitsch, Camp, and Schizophrenia. The emergence of postmodern aesthetic idioms in new Balinese musical works from artists at this time is to fulfill the need for beauty values as humans in general, also based on the desire to achieve intrinsic values contained in the art itself to achieve perfection as a human being.</em></p>2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 I Gede Mawan, Hendra Santosa Sebuah Refleksi Ajaran Bhakti dan Śraddhā dalam Kakawin Kreṣṇā Pancawiwāha2024-12-03T00:40:26+00:00Ni Made Wikandina Putriwikandina2000@gmail.comI Ketut Sudewawikandina2000@gmail.comI Nyoman<p><em>Kakawin Kreṣṇā Pancawiwāha tells the story of Dewi Kresna's marriage to Panca Pandawa, which is interesting to study because the concept of marriage in this text has shifted. The marriage that is supposed to be between a man and a woman is told differently in this text, where a woman marries five men at the same time, known as polyandry. The polyandrous marriage narrated in the Kakawin Kreṣṇā Pancawiwāha text is actually not merely the main purpose, but a symbolic one that has meaning in it. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the symbolic meanings of polyandry that have relevance to Hindu religious teachings. This research is an analytical descriptive research with a textual approach that uses the text of Kakawin Kreṣṇā Pancawiwāha as the main data source. The method used in the data collection stage is literature study with translation, listening, and note-taking techniques. In the analysis stage, the analytical descriptive method was used, assisted by interpretative techniques based on the working principles of semiotic theory. The result found is that the phenomenon of polyandry in the Kakawin Kreṣṇā Pancawiwāha text is a symbol that contains religious philosophical values for Hindus to reflect the teachings of Bhakti (devotion) and Śraddhā (belief). The implementation of the teachings of Bhakti (devotion) is realized by the attitude of Satya Laksana (loyal to the righteous actions) to Guru Rupaka (parents) as a reflection of the teachings of Guru Bhakti. Symbolic polyandry as a concept of Śraddhā, is realized by the reflection of the teachings of Karmaphala Sraddha (belief in the existence of karma) which has a reciprocal relationship with Punarbhawa Sraddha (belief in the existence of repeated births). The mythology found states that polyandry is an existence of life that has implications for the improvement of Bhakti and Śraddhā.</em></p>2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ni Made Wikandina Putri, I Ketut Sudewa, I Nyoman Udayana Role of Husbands in Teaching Hinduism to Sudhi Wadani Wife in Interfaith Marriages2024-12-14T10:42:35+00:00Ni Ketut<p><em>Interfaith marriage in Indonesia is a complex issue that involves legal, social, and religious dilemmas. Marriages must be legal under both religious and state law, which requires the bride and groom to be of the same faith to be recognized as religiously valid. This provision has caused controversy and injustice, especially regarding religious freedom and human rights in a multicultural society. The Study aims to focuses on the role of husbands in providing an understanding of Hinduism to wives who have undergone Sudhi Wadani who previously adhered to other religions, especially in the context of interfaith marriages. This research uses a qualitative, phenomenological method, in-depth interview techniques, and participatory observation. was conducted in Palu City in 2024 with 13 informants husband. The results showed that the husband plays a central role in guiding his wife to understand the teachings of Hinduism, which is realized through direct teaching, accompanying in religious activities, and being a role model. The obstacles husbands face include limited religious knowledge, lack of time due to busy work, and wife's sensitivity. The strategies husbands apply to overcome these obstacles include inviting wives indirectly to engage in religious activities, patient communication, and utilization of religious communities to learn. This concludes that the husband's role in guiding his wife to understand the teachings of Hinduism in an interfaith marriage is vital and requires consistent, flexible, and practice-based efforts. Practical recommendations for interfaith couples and relevant institutions to strengthen support for Hindu husbands of wives who have undergone Sudhi Wadani in interfaith marriages.</em></p>2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ni Ketut Ratini Muslimat NU Buleleng Bali Religious Tolerance and Moderation in a Hindu Society in Bali2025-01-10T00:07:45+00:00Musfiroh Nurlaili Shodiqshodiqm313@gmail.comMu'min<p>Religious conversions made by Balinese people from Hinduism to Islam or to Islam are evidence of religious moderation in Hinduism. The interaction between the Hindu community of Buleleng and the Muslim community has created a new culture or cultural acculturation and even marriage which has an impact on religious conversion from Hinduism to Islam. This article aims to reveal the tolerance and moderation of Hinduism that has a major impact on the moderate social religious activities of Muslimat NU Buleleng so that a moderate <em>Muallafah</em> emerges. This research is a qualitative research with Anthropology and Sociology of Religion approach. The primary data of this research are <em>Muallafah</em> and Muslimat NU Ranting Seririt Organisation, Buleleng District, Bali. The findings of this research are that the majority of Buleleng Bali <em>Muallafahs</em> come from Hinduism and make religious conversions due to marriage. The <em>Muallafah</em> joined the Muslimat NU because the tolerance and moderation of the Hindu community towards minority Muslims is quite high. Muslimat NU's social religious activities include Friday blessings; <em>Pengajian Umum, Dzikir Akbar</em>, and <em>Reciting Burdah</em> Covid 19 Prevention Social Service and Soft Skill Training and Economic Empowerment. The success of socio-religious activities carried out by Muslimat NU in Bali towards the majority Hindu Balinese community is evidence of tolerance and religious moderation of Hindu society in Bali so that <em>Muallafah</em> Muslimat NU Buleleng Bali feels living in harmony and peace without discrimination and pressure from the surrounding community and even family for choosing Islam as a new religion.</p>2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Musfiroh Nurlaili H., Wati Nilamsari, Muhammad Shodiq, Mu'min Roup, Mauidlotun Nisa Balian Desa dalam Aktivitas Ritual Hindu di Desa Pedawa2024-12-16T11:59:29+00:00I Putu Mardikaputumardika88@gmail.comI Gusti Agung Ngurah Agung Yudha Pramiswaraputumardika88@gmail.comKomang Agus Darmayoga<p><em>Balian Desa, a religious ritual leader who is trusted by the Bali Aga community, especially Pedawa Village. The Balian Desa position has vital duties and responsibilities in leading the procession of religious rituals of the Bali Aga community. In the perspective of Sociology, the position of the Balian Desa has the highest authority in terms of religious rituals carried out in Pedawa Village, the Balian Desa has enormous hegemonic power and has a strong influence on the continuity of community life in terms of religious ritual activities. This study aims to examine the hegemonic power possessed by a Balian Desa in the implementation of religious rituals that affect the community, especially in Pedawa Village. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods in the form of observation, interviews, literature studies, and documentation. The results of this study show that a person who occupies a position as a Balian Desa has a great influence in the form of hegemony on religious ritual activities in Pedawa Village. This can be seen because the Balian Desa is chosen abstractly and through a sacred procession, and can legitimize every religious ritual. In addition, the hegemony of the village balian that influences the community is very strong through ideology, language, and folklore that strengthens people's trust in the Balian Desa figure, which has an impact on the socio-religious implications of the life of the Pedawa Village community. The conclusion of this research is that the Balian Desa has a strong position because it is chosen abstractly in the ritual aspect, in terms of hegemony, the village balian influences the ideology of the community through the form of language, sacred symbols, and beliefs (folklore) which make his position very strong, and this hegemony will have an impact on the socio-religious life of the Pedawa Village community.</em></p>2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 I Putu Mardika, I Gusti Agung Ngurah Agung Yudha Pramiswara, Komang Agus Darmayoga Kantina