Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00Jayapangus Pressjournalofmultidisciplinary@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2986-7665</a> (Online) published by Jayapangus Press particularly focuses on multidisciplinary studies which publishes research papers, review papers, case reports, case studies, books review, thesis, dissertation works, etc. Manuscripts submitted must be original in nature and not currently sent to any other journal, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences is designed for the prompt publication of peer-reviewed articles in all areas of sciences specially <strong>Humanities, Social Science, Management, Engineering, Medical Science, Biology & Physical Education. </strong>The journal articles will be accessed freely online. All manuscripts are pre-reviewed, and are critically reviewed before they are published.</p>, Opportunities, and Motivations of Students in Studying Food Technology Towards the Enhancement Program2024-01-17T01:58:02+00:00Herbert Puhawan<p>Opportunities, challenges, and motivation offer flexibility in developing the enhancement program. This be taken into consideration to address any gaps in the knowledge of the many aspects of food technology studies. Using a phenomenological method, the researcher explored the experiences and beliefs of the participants which was consists of eight (8) undergraduates students studying food technology. Purposive sampling was used to choose the participants. Codes and themes were used in the stud where Focus Group Discussion (FGD) were utilized to acquire responses and gather information. Based on the results of the study, three themes emerged concerning the challenges and opportunities: sustainability issues, technology advances and innovation and product development. Meanwhile, in motivation of the students, the results emphasized the innovation and product development which implies that creativity and innovation must adapt to the ever-changing learning. With an emphasis on the impact on student motivation and the need for adaptable instructional strategies, the study seems to highlight the connections among sustainability, technology, innovation, and the development of products. Thus, implementing comprehensive training intended to reaffirm the institution's commitment to improve the knowledge and skills of food technology students. The enhancement program offers the advancement and capability program in the Food Technology institutions that strive to offer excellent instruction ought to give food technology sector significant thought and support into real-life situations. This suggests that institution should concentrate on developing and improving their knowledge, abilities, and skills in the area of food technology.</p>2024-01-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Herbert Puhawan Rana Study Early Childhood Education to Elementary School Transition2023-03-06T12:09:40+00:00Dewa Ayu Anom<p>There has been a wide gap between the approach to education in kindergarten/early childhood education and elementary school. It has contributed to the suboptimal children's learning process when they are in elementary school. This research aimed to provide an understanding and steps to be taken to eliminate the gap between educational approaches in early childhood education and elementary school. Researchers chose literature review as the research method, which went through the stages of designing, conducting, analyzing, and writing the reviews. The research showed that the fundamental thing about the learning transition from kindergarten/early childhood education to elementary school was that all parties had the same understanding and perception that children aged 7 – 8 years in elementary school were still in the early childhood phase. At that age, they should learn in a fun way to introduce various basic concepts taught through games. Furthermore, collaborative sharing between kindergarten/early childhood education and elementary school teachers so that everyone could understand each other’s position. Furthermore, the will to change following the learning pattern with kindergarten/early childhood education – elementary school transition strategy, which in this case was more dominant in intervening with teachers at the elementary education level. It means that elementary teachers had to learn more from kindergarten/early childhood education teachers in terms of organizing fun learning.</p>2024-01-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dewa Ayu Anom Pratiwi Meaning of Saraswati Holy Day Celebration in Bali2023-03-06T12:14:12+00:00Putu Sri Wijnyanawatisriwijnyanawati@mail.comDewi Ayu Wisnu<p>In Balinese Hindu society, the holy day is generally called <em>Rerahinan</em><em>. </em>On this day, <em>Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa</em> is believed to have descended to give his power or holy lights. This<em> Rerahinan </em>is commemorated based on spiritual, and moral values and the people's level of consciousness to uphold the noble values contained therein. One of the holy days that is always commemorated or celebrated in Bali is the Holy Day of <em>Saraswati</em>. It is celebrated as the day of the descent of science into the world. The type of research used in this research is qualitative research, data collection using observation, documentation and interviews, which are the main data sources. The data is analysed by observing, understanding, and interpreting each factor data collected and the relationship between facts. Then the research data obtained by the researcher during field research through observations and interviews with informants are described. The information obtained by the researcher is selected and coded to provide a more straightforward concept so that it is relatively easier to understand. <em>Saraswati</em> Holy Day celebrates<em> Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa </em>for his power to create knowledge and chastity. This celebration is celebrated every six months on Saturday,<em> Umanis Wuku Watugunung. </em>The image of the figure of Goddess <em>Saraswati</em> as a beautiful woman cannot be separated from Vedic theology, which describes God and his manifestation as personal virtue.</p>2024-02-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Putu Sri Wijnyanawati, Dewi Ayu Wisnu Wardani Study of Architectural Drafting: An Inputs for the Integration of Enhanced Learning Competencies in Faculty Development Program2024-02-22T12:42:25+00:00Cariza N. Darandanilodaran1231@gmail.comJohn Michael D.<p>This study aims to explore the profile of graduates in the field of architectural drafting, their learning capabilities, skills, and knowledge, and their readiness towards the workforce. The results will be the inputs to integrate the enhanced learning competencies to faculty development program. This study used a quantitative research design and random sampling technique to select the target graduates of the architectural drafting program from AY 2016-2020 which composed of 105 graduates based on the list given by the registrar’s office. The data for this study collected through a survey questionnaire which was modified based on the Graduate Tracer Research Questionnaire from CHED. The results revealed that most of the respondents are single, male and most of them work in contract and regular roles, and many of them feel their jobs are connected to their academic program. Competitive salary and benefits, chances to use specialized skills, and the possibility of professional growth are the main reasons why recent graduates decide to remain in their current job. Moreover, graduates show a good grasp of industry concepts that are pertinent to architectural drafting and strong analytical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. Proficiency in fundamental drafting skills, CAD software usage, technical drawing standards, and professional ethics are demonstrated by graduates. Furthermore, with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the field of architectural drafting, graduates are well-prepared for the workforce. They exhibit a readiness to work with professionals in the field.</p>2024-03-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Cariza Flores, Danilo N. Daran, John Michael D. Aquino Use of Youtube As A Learning Medium For Hindu Religious Education2023-02-27T12:54:02+00:00Ida Bagus Gede Raditya Oka Dharmaibgrod@gmail.comI Ketut Suasnadi Arthaibgrod@gmail.comKadek Suwastawaibgrod@gmail.comNi Luh Putu<p>Youtube as a tool to convey information and a place to work in the learning process. In the learning process of Hindu Religious Education, there are still many teachers who only teach by using the lecture method to reduce students' interest in learning, therefore it is necessary to adjust and creativity from a teacher so that learning is more interesting and not monotonous, one of which is by applying the use of Youtube media. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of using Youtube as a learning medium for Hindu Religious Education (PAH). This study used a qualitative design with the location setting being SMP AMI Denpasar. The data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interview and documentation. The results of this study are: (1) The learning process of Hindu religious education can facilitate the search for information and knowledge transfer; (2) Develop creativity in the use of technology for smooth learning; (3) Improve teacher competence in the use of Youtube media, especially in PAH subjects, and (4) Transform schools into creative, innovative and dynamic learning institutions so that students are motivated, always curious in PAH learning. The use of Youtube as a learning medium for Hindu religious education requires the creativity of teachers and students in its development in order to produce interesting works learned for other students, especially at SMP AMI Denpasar.</p>2024-03-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ida Bagus Gede Raditya Oka Dharma, I Ketut Suasnadi Artha, Kadek Suwastawa, Ni Luh Putu Sujatindriasih Athletes Training Program Towards Their Achievements2024-03-14T05:34:47+00:00Mark Ulysses<p>Sports coaching has changed significantly over the years with a focus on training programs. This study explores the training programs towards the achievement of the athletes that helps to provide inputs in remodeling the training program. This is anchored to Skills Acquisition Theory that incorporates the notion of learning that ranges from cognitive to psychomotor skills. The researcher employed a quantitative descripted method and the respondents were chosen purposively which composed of volleyball players in one learning institution. A validated survey type questionnaire from three field experts and pilot testing was utilized to gather structured data. The results revealed. The results of the level of athletes training program in particular to physical fitness program, physical literacy program, safety injury prevention program, and health and wellness program and achievement with regards to award and recognition in Volleyball is highly acceptable as perceived by the respondents. Likewise, this study demonstrates the strong link between different training programs and athlete achievements. Furthermore, the statistics show a strong positive correlation between every coaching style and award and recognition received by athletes, demonstrating the pivotal importance coaching ideologies play in promoting athlete success. These results highlight how, in order to maximize athlete accomplishment, coaches and sports organizations may customize training programs based on particular coaching styles. These findings suggest that training programs may be tailored to fit specific coaching styles. Furthermore, knowing how strongly coaching styles and athlete achievements correlate can help allocate resources for training and coaching programs more effectively.</p>2024-03-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mark Ulysses Jolo Effectiveness of Group Counseling Services Through Feedback Techniques to Improve Fine Arts Learning Outcomes2023-03-11T10:55:35+00:00I Wayan<p>The objectives in this study are: To determine the effectiveness of implementing group counseling services through feedback techniques in improving Fine Arts Learning Outcomes. The results of the study show that group counseling through feedback techniques in the subject of Fine Arts is an alternative that can be used as a solution in providing assistance with problems related to the learning process in the subject of Cultural Arts. This is inseparable from the essence of group counseling and feedback, namely emphasizing the reinforcement provided by the teacher so that students or counselees are able to foster motivation which later has implications for the speed in receiving the material presented, given that in general art material is more dominated by practical activities. So that group counseling services with feedback techniques can improve learning outcomes in Fine Arts, especially in the Basic Competencies of Self-Expression through works of pure art that are developed from elements of Indonesian fine arts. From the results of the study there was improvement in each cycle. Namely from pre-cycle to cycle I, from pre-cycle to cycle II, and from cycle I to cycle II, with improvement in learning outcomes scores, respectively by 1.75 points, 2.94 points, and 4.69 points. Meanwhile, classical completeness also increased. From 47% in pre-cycle to 65.63% in cycle I and increased again to 94% in cycle II.</p>2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 I Wayan Widiana Stad Type Using Microsoft Power Point in Learning To Improve Motivation And Achievement Learning Mathematics2023-03-08T12:02:42+00:00I Gusti Made<p>A study aimed (1) the students to have motivation (2) in students' mathematics learning achievement had increased. The implementation was carried out in several cycles and the subjects were class XII MIPA 4 students at SMA Negeri 1 Susut year 2021/2022. There were 18 male students and 16 female students from 34 students in this class. These data were: the use of a questionnaire on students' learning motivation in learning mathematics to find out motivational data and learning achievement was searched using tests. The results showed that: (1) students had learning motivation (average score of 69.71 belonging to the sufficient category in activity I increased to 79.35 in the high category in activity II); (2) there was an increase in student learning achievement (the average value of 69.41 in activity I increased to 76.68 in activity II). Overall learning achievement increased from 88% in activity I to 100% in activity II. Based on the results of the research, the Cooperative Model with Microsoft Power Point has increased learning motivation and learning achievement in mathematics in class XII MIPA 4 SMA Negeri 1 Susut on Even Semester year 2021/2022. For this reason, this learning model deserves to be considered as a learning model in the classroom.</p>2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 I Gusti Made Suartawan Relevance of Behavioral Counseling with Positive Reinforcement Techniques to Improve Students' Self-Confidence2023-03-08T02:16:06+00:00Dewa Ngakan Nyoman<p>Confidence is an important aspect of human life and can be categorized into one of the non-cognitive aspects. Even though it sounds simple, in reality, self-confidence often neglects its role in human life. In essence, people who have intellectual intelligence when supported by good self-confidence will produce an interaction within themselves, especially in the social field. The purpose of this study is to describe and interpret the relevance between the application of behavioral counseling and positive reinforcement techniques in increasing students' self-confidence. The approach used in this study was counseling guidance action research which emphasized the application of behavioral counseling. The target of the improvement process in this study was students’ self-confidence through the application of behavioral counseling. The main subjects used in this study were students in grade XI in the MIPA specialization program at SMA Negeri 1 Susut in the academic year 2022/2023 who had low self-confidence. This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Susut. The sample of this study was students in class XI MIPA 3 in the academic year 2022/2023 that consist of 16 males and 13 females for a total of 29 students. In increasing students' self-confidence, the relevance of applying Behavioral Counseling with positive reinforcement techniques is felt to be very effective. This can be seen in the results of thedata analysis and discussion of research results. It can be stated that in cycle I (first) there was an increase in students' self-confidence of 46.64 %. In the action cycle II (second) there was an increase of 70.75%. The results of the research showed that the self-confidence of students in class XI MIPA 3 SMA Negeri 1 Susut in the academic year 2022/2023. Therefore, the results of this study show there is great influence of the relevance of behavioral counseling with positive reinforcement techniques in improving students’ self-confidence in class XI MIPA 3 SMA Negeri 1 SUSUT in the academic year 2022/2023.</p>2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dewa Ngakan Nyoman Sutraptawan and Strategies for Implementing 21st-century Learning Hindu Religious Education and Ethics at UPT SD Negeri 5 Amparita2023-03-07T06:50:26+00:00Tommy Jevisatommy04111982@gmail.comI Wayan<p>Information and communication technology use in learning is a demand for the development and progress of today's increasingly modern era. Education in Indonesia must continue to improve and adjust to the rapid development of globalization. Teachers, as agents of renewal and spearheads in realizing national education goals, must continue to develop all their abilities and competencies in designing and implementing exciting learning for students. Teachers in Indonesia today must continue to try their best to create creative, innovative, and competitive students. For this reason, a strategy for implementing 21st-century learning is needed, and it is expected to be able to explore and improve the 4C skills of students. This study aims to provide an overview of the challenges and appropriate strategies used in applying 21st-century learning to Hindu religious education and ethics subjects at UPT SD Negeri 5 Amparita. This qualitative research uses data collection techniques that involve conducting in-depth observations and interviews. The results showed that (1) there are challenges in the application of 21st-century learning both internally and externally, and (2) to overcome these challenges, the right strategy is needed in efforts to implement 21st-century learning at UPT SD Negeri 5 Amparita. 21st-century learning is very important to be applied at UPT SD Negeri 5 Amparita because, in addition to being a demand from developments in the era of globalization, it is also because it is in line with the vision and mission of the school in creating students who are communicative, creative and innovative, think critically, and can work together.</p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-04-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tommy Jevisa, I Wayan Suwendra